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Subject: Westport #94 - Reactive vs Proactive
(Posted on Feb 14, 2016 at 12:01AM )
What with Valentine's Day around the corner, why not cover something different? When everyone is thinking all hearts, roses and chocolates, look to Bob N. Boguslavski for an alternative view on that ever so highly commercialized take on relationship romance.

It provides a nice and smooth lead-in to what someone really wants to talk about today.

An ages-old conundrum over what wins the day, strategy versus tactics, or being proactive versus reactive, can be applied to almost any situation in life. This no doubt includes when to puke, chunder, regurgitate or whatever other euphemism one prefers to employ, even if it's the Cockney rhyming slang expression, Wallace and Grommit. Bob's also rather fond of another British term, pavement pizza. One can always rely on the Brits to keep things classy!

Nothing like a little recycling, where one person's late night kebab indulgence becomes others' breakfast the next morning. If you're really into the alternative terminology thing, here's a long list of words and expressions to enlighten and impress family, friend and foe alike on this topic.

Said "act," no matter how labeled, can occur anywhere heavy drinking is on deck, including a wedding. But sometimes, it may be done on porpoise [sic], to reposition or refortify oneself for yet more imbibing, or to void off future ill effects which can happen when one is passed out or sleeping. Some of us remember what happened to Bon Scott of AC/DC back on February 19th, 1980 in that regard as a sobering and cautionary tale.

Basically, tactical chunder is on the proactive side. Then there is the closely related strategic vomit, which is talked about a little more here from the female perspective. The reactive side, well, that's a whole lot simpler, and usually a lot less pretty too, since it's unplanned and there ain't a whole lot of time to think about where it's going. As at that classy Westport dinner scene a couple days before the wedding ...

"Reactive chunders are not nearly as controlled as proactive ones," I sympathized.
"It typically results in much more mess to mop up. Reactive leads to unplanned
spillage with unintended consequences. Proactive is more focused and guided.

Suddenly, Horace sat up ramrod straight and stiffened with alarmed eyes. A spout
of spew erupted from deep in his throat, cascading over the table in front of him
and sideways as he instinctively turned his head, right into Little Timmy
's adjacent
martini glass.

" winced Little Timmy, looking morosely at his newly infused cocktail.

This led to coining of the word chunkitini with its fresh reddish pink hue. Chundertini is just as good though, so we'll use it as a synonym. Remember, you heard these new words here first. The above interaction from the book can act as a definition of sorts--it's pretty clear what happened there!

A little poking around reveals that there's a cocktail out there called Steel Vomit. It sure sounds like a nasty concoction even if the bonafide stuff above ain't in it per se. Bob reckons a few of these puppies pounded in quick succession may well lead a few punters to the above type scenario.

On this topic of 'regurgitation' generally, classic movie scenes always come to mind and here's a well done "puke nuke'em" montage of merriment for all you cinephiles, which includes a few select snippets from that classic Monty Python flick, The Meaning of Life, among others.

Don't act all grossed out on this topic. Hey, if you like honey, you're actually eating bee barf, so put that in your pipe and smoke it, as this Straight Dope piece elaborates. The quibble and riposte at the end is good, defending use of the word 'barf' versus regurgitation in this context.

As some single cat hitting up weddings all around the world, sooner or later, your ass is gonna see this act - live. Proof pository is right here with a couple of select moments of wedding magic.

You can see those subtle movements in her throat nicely telegraphing it all as she arises from her stupor-induced nap. To be fair to the ladies, Bob must include a guy doing similar.

With a little practice, you too can wind your way down this road, be it reactive or proactive for even more punishment later on, and then end up looking like this pair of fine, rather relaxed folks. It's all about how you carry yourself and hold that grace right to the end, Nice touch as our gal still has enough sense and wits to hold her hair back from dangling into her product delivery on the floor.

Life just seems so incomplete until you've been there. That, and also reading this book to keep you highly amused (and bemused at times). Bob digs deep about everything, to bring you the very best.