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Subject: Cancun #25 - Truth + Honesty
(Posted on Dec 10, 2016 at 12:30AM )
There's an old Chinese saying, "May you live in interesting times." Bob thinks we're there right now, for many reasons. One facet therein is that what's true and not, is becoming ever harder to discern, in part because there seems to be less regard to its importance to begin with. What may be more of a factor is to spin a good tale to capture ears and eyeballs, further a cause (phantom or otherwise), move the sheeple along a certain way, or win the day.

Perhaps truth and honesty are overrated, or at best, they need to be saved for a rainy day in a specific time window, for just five minutes, and only if it's the fifth Tuesday of that month (that happens to fall on a Saturday). Then you will know it's the real deal!

Sometimes, you just know one's audience only wants to hear what they want to hear, like a long time ago at a winter tropical wedding where Bob was reflecting on occasions when one's significant other will ask for a fashion opinion, as below. Some care needs to be taken with the reply, for one's own health, and manhood bits and bobs, pardon the pun, lest one end up like John Wayne Bobbitt post Lorena's impromptu, impassioned, erhm, "surgery."

A fashion assessment was usually safely degrees away from the
"Do I look fat?" zinger, unless both elements
were combined in said female querying. If a man knew what was good for
his well-being, never answer a chikita in the affirmative, or he was asking
for a world of hurt.
Spin some other line, like said negatory outfit was just
not flattering her form. Lying was standard operating procedure in this
circumstance, and the motherfucker who came up with
"honesty is the
best policy" was lying, having a crack moment, or altruistically naive
regarding the maxim's applicability.

Maybe one doesn't call it a lie, per se, instead preferring to call it "spinning an alternate reality," as marketing gurus advocate, or massage it as "porpoiseful [sic] misrepresentation." Maybe that adage was a covert way of saying it may be okay to stray from policy, as needed. The policy is there, but there's nothing about adhering to it, akin to a past post regarding Don't be evil.

Today, instead, we are faced with supposed "real" mainstream news you know is fake (covered here), and the war on more honest "fake" news that paints a completely different story. The latter is increasingly coming under pressure to be "filtered" and then ultimately outright censored / banned, because The Powers That (Shouldn't) Be don't want us to know what's really going down.

But then, someone can tell the truth, and your sorry ass ain't ready to fathom or understand it, or maybe it's like in this classic scene from A Few Good Men.

Sometimes, the truth is right there in front of your eyes, and you just don't get it.

Some say the truth is relative, or as gleaned from The Kybalion, pertaining to the Principle of Polarity, "all truths are but half-truths" (and one supposes, half-lies too). So, just kick back and say anything you want about anything, cuz, like, it seems to not matter one iota.

Note how our gal Ayn clearly and plainly states "men" there. Could well be she damn skippy knew women don't want to find, know, or hear the truth, if not ever, then at least not as it applies to situations dealing with stuff like fashion above and relationships, which is next up on deck.

The truth can also masquerade as humor or satire, as in this scene from the aptly named The Ugly Truth.

Imagine if there was really truth and honesty in dating, as with these two on-point scenarios.

This is the way Bob dishes it out in his debut novel, as some single cat gallivanting around the world hitting other folks' nuptials, be they friend, family or foe. If you want some laughs, and a little truth and honesty, sorta ... kinda ... maybe, about relationships and marriage, then tuck into this puppy. No "secrets of the universe" kinda shit going on here.