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ford raptor for sale saskatchewan canadaThe days prove all too slow for Raptor fans - with Ford’s signature F-150 variant still months away from the production line (and the dealership). Specs have been released; images have been offered; but there’s been nothing tangible to sustain pick-up devotees.

This has finally changed.

According to TFL Truck, a sound byte of the 2017 Raptor has been released. Ford fans can now listen to the rumble of the V6 - an engine choice that was originally much contested by drivers. This F-Series model no longer boasts a V8 but instead features a 3.5L EcoBoost platform (which promises twin-turbo power and superior economy). Some worried that this would undermine the truck’s performance, but these clips should allay those fears.

The 2017 Raptor sounds fantastic, delivering a smooth exhaust purr. This will certainly appease fans of the original V8 platform, promising much-craved Ford performance. There's been no compromise, only innovation.

The F-150 Raptor should arrive in the early fall - and the Novlan teams knows our customers will be anxiously waiting to test this exhaust sound for themselves.

To learn more about this and other F-Series models contact us today.