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Ford Vehicle News For Saskatchewan Canada
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2017 ford f series for sale saskatchewan canadaIt’s the summer of pick-up performance. The 2017 Ford F-Series will soon arrive on the market, delivering best-in-class power to drivers across North America. This heavy-duty behemoth - with its 6.7L V8 turbo diesel engine, 440 HP, and 925 lb.-ft of torque - promises exceptional results on the backroads.

It also promises a mad rush to dealerships, with drivers scrambling to test the adaptive cruise control and exclusive Trailer Reverse Guidance system (which utilizes four digital cameras to assess, and respond to, changing terrains). The 2017 F-Series will prove popular in both Canada and the United States.

Ford wishes to lessen the strain of those test-drive scurries. This is why it recently launched a 29-city promotional event, bringing the F-Series to North America.

According to Edmunds, the F-Series line-up (including the F-150, F-250, and F-350) will be revving its way from capital to capital, connecting drivers to 32,5000 pounds of gooseneck towing, 27,5000 pounds of conventional towing, and 7,630 pounds of payload capabilities. These numbers showcase Ford’s dedication to performance, promoting all-road adaptability and seamless power. The 29-city event will allow men and women to now access that power, providing closed-course test-drives. Sample the full-throttle roar of a turbocharged engine.

Interested in participating in this event? Click here to learn more about upcoming locations and sweepstakes opportunities.

Be sure to contact the Novlan team with any questions or comments as well.