Crafting a social strategy demands more than content. It instead requires photos, each helping to anchor a brand and its message. IMGY provides ways to accomplish this.
IMGY is a series of private galleries. Within these galleries are client-controlled photos, each meant to promote events, product launches, blogs and more. A one-click process effortlessly allows individuals to manage their albums, enabling easy server browsing or updating.
What truly defines IMGY, however, is the way it integrates itself into popular sites and niche markets, such as:
Google Maps:
Google Maps is an online powerhouse. It dominates both online and mobile services, drawing over 50 million visitors each month. IMGY takes advantage of this with direct integration, embedding every photo with locations. Pictures are pinned to virtual maps, which can then be accessed by site followers. This encourages communication and creates an interactive experience.
Pinterest is a unique media option. It has tailored itself to photography instead of the usual blogs and videos. It also generates millions of views per day, making it an undeniable social force. IMGY allows users to channel that force toward their own sites. Every photo within the galleries can be pinned to Pinterest, embedded with site links and information that will entice visitors. This creates a steady flow of traffic and affects overall brand awareness and sales.
IMGY represents a customizable option for users--and it’s an option that One Big Broadcast offers.
Contact us today to discover how to revitalize your brand with images, linking private galleries to the World Wide Web. Next Analytics