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'Good Enough' Isn't Enough....

(Posted on Feb 15, 2014 at 01:42PM )
The importance of an integrated marketing plan is important to provide consistency across all your marketing channels.

Your ad design and message should function in harmony so when the customer hears and ad on the radio or sees and ad in a newspaper or magazine and takes that next step to visit your website site they can recognize from what they saw or heard that they are in the right place from the uniformity across your marketing channels.

First Impressions

We all know that first impressions can often be the deciding factor and good website design as the first impression is critical and is going to determine if someone is going to engage with your site or not.

And never before has your company’s website’s first impression been more important. If people land on your site and it looks old, outdated or they just plain don’t like it – they leave – and most often will not return.

Now, thanks to search engines algorithms bad web design and poor navigation will get you poor search rankings.  Search engines watch people’s habits in an effort to produce better search rankings.

So with that thought in mind search engines reward sites that have good navigation and design with higher organic search rankings because they stay longer and navigate deeper. Compare that to a poorly designed web site that people simply land on the site and leave because of its look – Sites are then penalized and placed far down on the organic search list.

 This makes Good website design the foundation on which all your marketing efforts will be based and will determine the flow of guiding someone through the process of making a purchase or having the opportunity to follow up with them to nurture them up to the point at which they are ready to make a purchase.

Behind The Scene

Once you tackle the task of having a well designed website with great content and properly placed calls to action you must then be sure that you have a functional, easy to use and fully integrated marketing platform working behind the scene from which to control everything and launch your marketing initiatives.

Good website design will open the door to potential customers but the marketing platform technology is the engine that is going to give you the tools necessary to obtain information, communicate, analyze and drive all your online marketing.

Good website design and the platform technology behind are the foundation on which you are going to build your online presence and will determine how effective you can be.

Your website and the technology that powers it is where it all starts. These are the building blocks that are going to mean the difference in how effectively your marketing initiatives reach your audience.

Today Digital Marketing has the biggest impact of all your marketing initiatives. You need to have the latest technology from a company that is constantly creating better ways to keep your digital marketing effective.

You might think that what you already have in place is good enough but is good enough- good enough? There have been a lot of changes and your current technology, if outdated, could now be working against you. You cannot afford to be complacent in today’s Digital Marketplace.

You might have created the next great marketing campaign that is going have everyone hitting those retweets and like buttons and sharing it with all their friends. But if you don’t have the latest updated technology powering it- that great marketing campaign may not fulfill your expectations.

Great innovative technology is what is going to power your everyday “bread and butter”  social media, earned media and paid marketing campaigns that will get you noticed - get your message out and keep it there.

William Cosgrove

Bill Cosgrove Straight Talk