OBB’S Real Time Event Marketing
Events anchor any business to their local community. Which is why our real-time event ‘live’ media marketing that broadcasts across every online digital and traditional marketing channel is kind of a big deal.
Imagine blog casting, social casting, and mobile applications all working together to engage potential viewers and fans with GPS galleries that comb your area to attract visibility to the event both during and after it’s over. It might seem like a foreign concept at first, but this is just everyday business at OBB. We're busy creating and implementing social casting tools and applications that span the digital realm and take your business right into the heart of the action.
Events Marketing can also be used as a multichannel online sales or advertising event tool to enhance your inbound leads.
And we have just made it all easier with the recent release of One big Broadcasts "Events Splash Page" where you can create, organize and control all of the social capability of One Big Broadcast CMS on one page from one central location.

All this combined with our on site social community platform gives you the most powerful socialcasting capabilities available in the marketplace today.
We started doing live events at the 2010 Winter Olympics and immediately climbed to the top of Google search results for webcams. We weren’t messing around. With four Hi-Res web cams pointing at the action 24/7, our site soared to the highest traffic for webcams at the entire Olympics. Of course, our live blogging, constant stream of uploaded images, interviews, and IMGY uploads didn’t hurt when it came to attracting visibility worthy of its own gold medal.
National Youth Track & Field Championships
McLeod Athletic Park, Langley British Columbia
Wednesday, August 07, 2013 @ 08:00AM to Tuesday, August 13, 2013 @ 07:00PM
Competition and Camaraderie
As a scouting area for the next Olympic Games the Legion National Youth Track & Field Championship is an opportunity of a lifetime for young Canadians. Young athletes from all different parts of the country and from diverse backgrounds come together for spirited competition and discover new, lasting friendships. One Big Broadcast is proud to have used its integrated SEO Automation Platform and Content Marketing Platform to deliver the planet's first athlete social… (Why does this info stop?)
Performance Race Industry Show
Thursday, November 29, 2012 @ 09:00AM to Saturday, December 01, 2012 @ 05:00PM
The last week of November 2012 thousands of race industry professionals descended on the Orlando Convention Center for the Performance Race Industry Trade Show and Convention. The NASCAR team we are involved with from NASCAR Nation Wide was there with Mark Daniel, one of the team's owners. We used our platform to blog cast live from the event. From a social SEO standpoint we rocked the show. Just check out http://getgreenracing.com/news/?tag=Green+Racing+News+PRI+Orlando PRESS RELEASE...
BMO Vancouver International Marathon
Sunday, May 06, 2012 @ 05:00AM to Sunday, May 06, 2012 @ 03:00PM
BC Egg sponsors international marathon event. One Big Broadcast's team of blog, social casters, photographers, and videographers covered, blogged, and digitally broadcasted the event far and wide. Last year's event covered more area than ever before, elevating the Vancouver Marathon to one of the top destination marathons on the planet. One Big Broadcast was proud to help BC Egg shine as a proud sponsor.
Contact us to get the most from your events marketing Next IMGY Galeries

Wednesday, August 07, 2013 @ 08:00AM to Tuesday, August 13, 2013 @ 07:00PM
Competition and Camaraderie As a scouting area for the next Olympic Games the Legion National Youth Track & Field Championship is an opportunity of a lifetime for young Canadians. Young athletes from different parts of the country and from diverse backgrounds come together for spirited competition and discover new, lasting friendships. One Big Broadcast is proud to have used its integrated SEO Automation Platform and Content Marketing Plaform to deliver the planet's first athlete social...

Thursday, November 29, 2012 @ 09:00AM to Saturday, December 01, 2012 @ 05:00PM
The last week of November 2012 thousands of race industry professionals decended to the Orlando Convention Center for the Performance Race Industry Trade Show and Convention. What a show and the NASCAR team we are involved with from NASCAR Nation Wide was there the Mark Daniel, one of the team's owners. We used our platform to blog cast live from the event from a social SEO standpoint we rocked the show. http://getgreenracing.com/news/?tag=Green+Racing+News+PRI+Orlando PRESS RELEASE...

Sunday, May 06, 2012 @ 05:00AM to Sunday, May 06, 2012 @ 03:00PM
BMO Vancouver International Marathon Sunday, May 06, 2012 @ 07:00AM May 6, 2012 - BC Egg sponsors international marathon event. OneBigBroadcast's team of blog, social casters, photographers and videographers covered, blogged and digitally broadcasted the event far and wide. Last year's event covered more area than ever before elevating the Vancouver Marathon to one of the top destination marathons on the planet. One Big Broadcast was proud to help BC Egg shine as a proud sponsor.
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