In 2006 Jack Dorsey, Evan Williams, Biz Stone and Noah Glass joined forces for a social experiment - introducing the world to limited character interactions and SMS styling. The foursome launched Twitter and changed the online landscape forever, clearing direct paths to the SEO peaks.
Since its arrival Twitter has become an undeniable force in SEO, creating powerhouse trends and connecting directly to consumers. It’s a staple of every strategy.
Understanding which demographics most respond to those strategies, however, is crucial to their successes. Specific users flock to this network. Learn who they are to improve marketing.
According to the Pew Research Center, the typical adult profile of Twitter is:
18 to 29: 37%
30 to 49: 25%
50 to 64: 12%
65 and Older: 10%
Urban: 25%
Suburban: 23%
Rural: 17%
By identifying which demographics most frequently log-on to Twitter, SEO creators can tailor their marketing tactics and restructure their accounts - allowing for optimized sales and stronger branding.