Twitter Updates. Members can now create multiple blogs, chronicle their adventures, travels, whatever while broadcasting features keep their email, mobile and widget contacts up to date. Our member blogs can now auto update your Twitter account with a direct link to full blog details, images and more.
Have you ever been frustrated with Twitter and the lack of detail or images in your Tweet? Updating ThemeGreen member blogs with text and images is so easy. Nowyour Twitter messages can carry rich content at the touch of a button. No fussing with TinyURL entry, account sign in, etc.
Press one button and poof!
IMGY Mini Widgets can now be carried on your Blogs! Our very own location based Google integrated galleries. Member can build their own interactive maps, then place images on their maps with descriptions for others to comment of collaborate. Widget code allows others to publish on their own web sites or blog to receive immediate updates. Now your Mini widgets can be published on your blogs so there is a central location for interactive updates.