Webstager has often praised cross-channel marketing. We’ve detailed its many advantages and we’ve embraced its many benefits. Despite our best efforts, however, some of our Vancouver clients remain unconvinced, shackled to their single-source SEO strategies and afraid of dynamic platforms.
A new study may change that.
According to Marin Software, an online advertisement analyst, cross-channel marketing drastically improves the organic click rates and overall presence of websites. Consider these statistics:
In April 2014 companies that targeted traffic through multiple sources received 0.18% of click rates, while those only favoring websites earned 0.07%.
In May 2014 those using cross-channel marketing generated 0.19% of click rates, while those with single strategies remained stagnant at 0.07%.
In June 2014 cross-channel marketing increased to 0.20% of all click rates, while website-only efforts saw no change.
This three-month study showcases significant differences between cross-channel promotion and its singular counterpart. Those relying only on their sites saw no growth, limiting their sales and undermining their SEO efforts.
There’s no value in that.
Utilize multiple marketing options. Contact Webstager today to learn more about redefining your SEO tactics.