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Subject: Costa Rica Fishing: Releasing a Marlin
(Posted on Nov 26, 2013 at 02:57PM )

Just off the coast of Costa Rica you have been cruising the open water on your charter boat marveling at the coastal scenery and the chase is on for the elite Marlin.

A good captain knows how to handle the boat to keep you battling the Marlin as you fight to reel it in. Remember that the average size of a Blue Marlin is 400 pounds, but an elusive female record breaking fish can reach up to 1,985 pounds!

For many anglers catch and release is the main option unless they catch a record breaking fish. Once the big fish has been exhausted and the angler is able to bring it alongside the boat a release gaff is used to pull the hook out. When releasing the Marlin is the goal, often it will not be pulled onto the boat to avoid the potential for it to thrash around and hurt its self.

Once the Marlin has been released it is free to roam the ocean and may one day come back as a record breaking contender!  

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