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Subject: Freeing Snagged Lures While Fishing In Los Suenos
(Posted on Jan 18, 2014 at 11:19PM by Lee Byard)

freeing snagged lure los suenos costa ricaFew things derail a sport fishing expedition faster than snagged lures. Lines drag across reefs and rocks, and anglers then waste precious time trying to free them. It’s a completed series of twisted cables, broken swivels and lost tackle.

Costa Rica Fishing Adventures wants to help you avoid this, which is why we offer these simple steps for freeing snagged lures.

Verify that the lure has inded been caught. Gently pull on the cable, noting the amount of pressure and whether the problem can be resolved with a simple tug.

Set your reel into a free-spool position if the lure doesn't immediately loosen. This will ensure greater slack, providing the lure with a wider range of movement and preventing further snagging.

Have your charter boat sail in the opposite direction of the snag.

Tighten the line as you pass, causing enough sudden force to rip the lure free.

Following this easy procedure will help all anglers to maintain their favorite tackle pieces while fishing in Los Suenos.

Contact Costa Rica Fishing Adventures for more fishing tips. Ask us also about our accommodations, charter tours and special promotions.
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