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Subject: Should Anglers Tip Their Charter Crews While In Los Suenos?
(Posted on Feb 11, 2014 at 11:56PM by Lee Byard)

tip charter crews in costa ricaTipping is not a common custom in Costa Rica. The word gratuity is rarely spoken, and exceptional service is to be expected (with or without recognition).

Those traveling to Los Suenos, however, should tip their charter crews - both as a courtesy and a reward.

Charter crews work tirelessly to ensure safe and exciting excursions. These seasoned individuals help anglers chase Sailfish, Dorados, Wahoos and more. They’ve masted migration patterns, tidal pulls and the effects of weather; and they understand how to properly lure deep sea breeds while still conforming to Costa Rica’s many sustainability laws.

These traits deserve a tip - even if a fishing trip proves less fruitful than anticipated. These crews have extensive knowledge of the Pacific and its creatures. They can’t, however, guarantee success. Don’t hold them responsible for a poor haul.

Costa Rica Fishing Adventures suggests that anglers pay gratuities of at least 15% (based on the total costs of their trips, including ship rentals, licensing fees, tackle purchases and more). Thank crews for their services and efforts.

Contact Costa Rica Fishing Adventures to learn more about tipping in Costa Rica. Ask us also about our charter tours, accommodations and special promotions.
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