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Subject: Choose Proper Lubricants To Maintain Los Suenos Fishing Gear
(Posted on Mar 1, 2014 at 09:28PM by Lee Byard)

lubricating fishing reels los suenos costa ricaA squeaking reel must be mended.

It must not, however, be mended with petroleum jelly, spray-on oils or other household products.

While fishing in Los Suenos anglers may find themselves faced with weak gears and shaky eyelets. Their first impulse, of course, is to fix these things and so they reach for the closet items available. All grease should, after all, have the same effect.

It doesn’t.

Proper lubrication requires equally proper products. Choose options that are designed for fishing tackle (rather than engine maintenance, rusted hinges or other issues). Their chemical ratios are gentle and will not impact the overall structure or efficiency of reels.

Household items - like the ever-popular WD40 - are not intended for sport fishing equipment. They can instead cause long-lasting damage, stripping away natural oils and turning parts brittle. Avoid using them at all costs.

Caring for a fishing reel begins with the right tools. Rely only on certified products. Find them in bait stores, tackle shops and even at the Los Suenos marina. Accept no substitutes and maintain equipment for every season.

Contact Costa Rica Fishing Adventures to learn more. Ask us also about our charter tours and accommodations.
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