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Subject: What Are The Sporting Qualities Of A Jack Crevalle In Los Suenos?
(Posted on Mar 18, 2014 at 10:00PM by Lee Byard)

jack crevalle fishing los suenos costa ricaFound along the shallow waters of Los Suenos is the Jack Crevalle. This wide-boned fish, which is famed for its forked fins and bony teeth, hides itself among the continental shelves. It blends well with the sand and shale, its golden scales providing excellent camouflage. This makes it a challenge to catch.

And that, of course, increases its sporting quality profile.


The Jack Crevalle is a massive bred, averaging 25 inches in length and weighing up to 135 pounds. It’s exceptionally strong and requires large-grade tackle.


The Jack Crevalle is not a quick fish, reaching only up to 15 miles per hour. It will sprint away from danger, however, if threatened.


The Jack Crevalle is a relentless fighter. When caught it will rely on its exceptionally sharp teeth to tear at the line, as well as twist and turn frantically.

Snagging a Jack Crevalle is no easy task. This fish will use its powerful body to snap a line, and it may even succeed in pulling anglers into the water if they’re not properly balanced. Use large-grade tackle and steady reeling techniques to draw this creature to the surface.

Contact Costa Rica Fishing Adventures to learn more about the Jack Crevalle. Ask us also about our accommodations and charter tours.
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