COOPER BOATING news ~ latest information about boating in BC
Subject: TOM on top
(Posted on Nov 4, 2015 at 10:52PM )
This is Tom.  

silly guy

You can often find him hanging around Cooper Boating on Granville Island.  He’s one of our Instructors, and also one of our capable crew aboard our entry boat Alegria for the 2016 VicMaui race.

Right now, Tom is trying out some new safety gear for ascending and descending masts- I’ve been given the task of contact person- I am standing in the nice warm office with my coffee in one hand, 2 way radio in the other- watching Tom out in the crisp air wrangling lines.

“Hello Max, testing”.  Says Tom.   Max has just gone to lunch.

“Max isn’t here Tom,  It’s Jeny”. 

“Ok great- just testing my emergency line”

“Oh don’t worry Tom”, I say, “ you’re completely safe in my very capable puppeteering manipulative hands”. 

There’s a short burst of static. . . did he drop the radio?  

“Oh!” he chuckles, “that’s - really. . .  great!”

I think he likes Max better.   It’s probably a guy thing.

Subject: VIC MAUI yacht race UNDERWAY!
(Posted on Jul 7, 2014 at 06:27PM )

after a light wind spinnaker start late SATURDAY morning, the boats are finally making some progress & moving along well

follow  ALEGRIA's progress on the race tracker and cheer along the Cooper Boating Crew onboard!

Visit the Vic Maui intermational Yacht race website for daily reports on the race.