COOPER BOATING news ~ latest information about boating in BC
Subject: NEW boat called NEW
(Posted on Jul 23, 2018 at 08:12PM by Colin Jackson)
Sometimes you have to pull a rabbit out of a hat and make a boat appear out of thin air.  Unfortunate circumstances made one of our Powell River boats unavailable for charter with little warning and there was nothing to replace it with us or our competitors in the region.  Clients were on their way from London, England. 

Time to pull a rabbit out of a hat.  Where is there a suitable replacement boat? How to we get it in the fleet with no warning? 

We called one of our reliable fleet owners, and saw the fastest deal in our history to come together.  Allen flew out to Sidney by Friday at 8pm and less than 24 hours later he was on his way north to Powell River with a new boat, new tender and new outboard. 

In fact, the boat is currently called "NEW". 

bavaria 34 NEW

Obviously, we're working on alternate names.  Based on the story so far, the leading choice is "Magic Rabbit".  If you can come up with one better, please add your suggestions. 

Here's the first crew all the way from the UK as they depart Powell River today! Vacation back on track.

Book your holiday today.  She's the finest boat in the north. Magic included.

Magic Rabbit Bavaria 34 

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