COOPER BOATING news ~ latest information about boating in BC
Subject: the BC royal family in ACTIVE PASS
(Posted on Aug 29, 2013 at 09:53PM by Colin Jackson)
complete with their entourage, one of the pods of our resident J clan wandered through ACTIVE PASS – while it was clear from the followers on the various whale watching boats that they were present, they ran deep around us & we only saw them off in the distance along the MAYNE ISLAND shore

these giants travel as a family & one must wonder if they feel like the local royal family with all the paparazzi types out to see them… or maybe they like the attention & socializing
this video clearly taken by somebody that had more luck than we did on a recent delivery, but we are happy they found some space from those chasing them (with cameras)!

for more information, WIKIPEDIA has some great info on our SRKW’s  (aka ORCAS of the SALISH SEA)