COOPER BOATING news ~ latest information about boating in BC
Subject: meet AARON ~ our new fleet WRANGLER
(Posted on Oct 30, 2014 at 10:51PM by Colin Jackson)
~ AARON TWEEDY jumped from aviation to the water, but it was not a big leap because he found some of his old acquaintances here & he has always had a passion for boats

~ shown here AARON is taking a SELFIE while moving one of our boats ~ his specialty is POWER BOATS ~ but he's been doing well on his sailing skills as well ~

AARON's mission is to ensure we have the best possible fleet moving forward ~ to that end, AARON is helping convert our popular BOAT BUYING SEMINARS to also be available on a WEBINAR FORMAT

~ if buying a boat is on your near horizon, contact AARON TWEEDY to get some help ~

if you need help remembering his name, try this:

Subject: victoria BOAT SHOW
(Posted on Apr 18, 2012 at 03:41PM by Colin Jackson)
thursday the VICTORIA boat show opens and we have 15 passes to give to the the first 15 people to contact us with their birthdays (month and day - no need for the year - we're not into that!)  

we have lots of exciting things - come see us on the water and in the shore tent - we have lots of strategic partners including the DREAMSPEAKER TEAM - authors of the popular DREAMSPEAKER CRUISING GUIDES


we have power boats for sale (into the fleet) and for charter including ISLAND ROAMER and PRINCESS PATRICIA with our BOSUN'S SALES team and you can board OPPORTUNITY and LES P'TITS FESSES as well - a couple sailboats for sale (into the fleet) with YACHT SALES WEST or charter  through us


they also have a great CATALINA 355 - let them help you buy her (or one of the others above) and we'll help you pay for it and we have moorage ready in any of our locations you choose -- most of these boats have revenue lined up as a great head start

boat show details