COOPER BOATING news ~ latest information about boating in BC
Subject: FRIDAY NIGHT RACING underway
(Posted on May 5, 2013 at 09:00PM by Colin Jackson)
our first FRIDAY NIGHT RACING session was an absolute success (apart from the crew that lost every race - which I helped lose one race!)

~ to say we were off to a slow start would be an understatement ~ took the first boat almost 22 minutes to START (after the start signal) ~

~ the crew of WAYNE, JOANNE, JOEL & LEO took every race in the newly wrapped TEACHER'S PET ~ perhaps racing cars on the side of boats makes them faster? ~

BREAD 'N BUTTA put out a good showing on the last evening with her original mainsail ~ maintenance day saw the addition of new rags!

~ will we see you FRIDAY night? ~ JIB SET would love to have you aboard - see our new site & never miss one of our fun events by signing up with our MEETUP group (now with 400 sailing enthusiasts!)

& let's not worry about those last place finishes - the crew knows there's nowhere to go but UP now!

as 'FRIDAY NIGHTERS' can be heard saying:  SEA U FRIDAY

Subject: OLYMPIC medalist at JIB SET tomorrow
(Posted on Mar 2, 2012 at 08:44PM by Colin Jackson)
ROSS MACDONALD, two time OLYMPIC MEDALIST in sailing for CANADA, is presenting sail trim tips after DAVE CRAMB (RACE READY) for the JIB SET membership tomorrow - if you are interested in racing sailboats, or just sailing them better, this double header is sure to please

JIB SET has organized a number of seminars to help membership keep their heads in boating when the weather is not ideal for actually boating  

only a few spaces remain 

these sessions are free to full and associate JIB SET members - a VANCOUVER sailing club 

another popular session will be the SPINNAKER CLINIC coming up in MARCH, just after the JIB SET OPEN HOUSE

if you are new to sailing or looking to get back into it, remember JIB SET, with unlimited sailing a only $149/month on late model, purpose built club sailboats,  is the best value of any keelboat sailing program in the area

we're also around all morning for the club maintenance session