COOPER BOATING news ~ latest information about boating in BC
Subject: hello humpback ~ mentor sail with flavour
(Posted on Apr 15, 2016 at 01:54PM by Colin Jackson)
More than we asked for!  A band of merry mentorors and mentorees set off yesterday afternoon for a sail to polish those skills and blow off a few cobwebs. 

mentor sail

Conditions were near perfect... starting off in windier conditions that moderated, there were opportunities to sail the boat and get the most out of it.  Then it got better - while coming in, a humpback whale was spotted off the bow.   Using newly freshened skills, the crew worked to sail closer to their great whale - which moved strategically upwind!

humpback thursday

So, we've all heard about humpday -- but with us you can experience humpback day!  Want to be part of the fun... our community connects via Meetup site.