(Posted on Jan 26, 2018 at 08:16PM by Michelle Bogle)
You're meeting a friend downtown for dinner and are running a few minutes late. All municipal parking lots are full, leading you back onto the main thoroughfare to find a spot on the road. As you inch your way along, you can feel dread setting in. You'd rather abandon your plans altogether than embarrass yourself with your horrible parallel parking skills.
Can you relate? Then allow us to introduce you to the 2016 Nissan Leaf SV. This plug-performer comes equipped with an Around View Monitor, which takes the strain out of navigating busy streets and parking lots.
It works by providing a virtual bird's-eye view of your surroundings, so you can see where you need to go even when your line of sight is compromised. The Around View Monitor uses four wide-angle cameras set up on the front, rear, left and right corners of the vehicle, providing a full 360-degree panorama. As you back in and out of your spot, you can do so with confidence, since every angle of your vehicle is visible, along with any potential hazards.
See it in action here:
The 2016 Leaf SVÂ incorporates the latest technology designed for life in Seattle, Washington. To schedule your test drive in one today, contact Kirkland Nissan to speak with a sales associate!