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connexus industries bc canadaSustainability is the cornerstone of Canada’s agricultural market. While many industrial sectors have suffered from reduced manufacturing and lowered loonie values (both remnants of the Recession of 2007), this vertical instead delivers consistent growth. Export demand remains steady in key countries, including: the United States, China, and Japan.

A recent study from the FCC (Farm Credit Canada) showcases the significance of agri-food systems, noting their contributions of: eight percent of the total GDP profit; twelve percent of the total national employment; and a total income of $34 billion. These numbers prove both the value and necessity of this market.

They also highlight the need for superior materials.

To accommodate Canada’s agricultural demands, Connexus Industries offers shot-peened roller chains. As part of our exclusive Viking and Summit lines, these options deliver greater durability - with their materials pre-stretched to counter concerns of crack formations, fatigue, or corrosion. They’re precisely engineered for high-volume environments, allowing them to more effectively adapt to farming applications.

Shot-peening is crucial to the agri-market. Through our painstaking in-house process - which combines cold-work finishing with wide-waist designs - we ensure that each chain is optimized for relentless performance. Every bushing, pin, and link plate offers exceptional tensile-strength. This promises extended functionality, even in the wake of increasing export requests.

To learn more about our shot-peening process (as well as our Viking and Summit lines) contact us today.