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ren industrial metal detectors bc canadaIn 2015 the NSF International Organization released a startling study - one highlighting the rise of foreign material contamination throughout the globe:

United Kingdom: 118 major cases of metallic contamination recalls.
United States: 18 major cases of metallic contamination recalls.
Canada: 21 major cases of metallic contamination recalls.
Australia: 120 major cases of metallic contamination recalls.

These numbers prove shocking - and highlight the need for industrial metal detection within the food industry.

The presence of trace metals (such as loose screws, copper staples, lead shots, screen wires, and tags) can have devastating effects on consumers, triggering:

Lead Poisoning.
Cadmium Poisoning.
Mercury Poisoning.
Arsenic Poisoning.
Internal Injuries (such as kidney or intestinal damage).
Oral Injuries (such as broken jawbones or chipped teeth).

It’s imperative, therefore, that the food industry strives toward safety - by introducing metal detectors into its operations. These machines assess all product compositions, analyzing potential traces of ferrous, non-ferrous, or even stainless steel metals. Through DSP micro-processing, they can quickly identify these traces and ensure their swift removals. This promotes consumer safety and national compliance.

To learn about our industrial metal detectors contact Connexus Industries today.