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Accelerated production leads to accelerated waste. Consider North America's commerical landscape:

Canada: The nation generates approximately 25 million tonnes of non-hazardous waste each year.

United States: The nation generates approximately 254 million tonnes of non-hazardous waste each year.

Mexico: The nation generates approximately 8 million tonnes of non-hazardous waste each year.

North America is defined by non-hazardous materials - and approximately 55% of this comes from commercial and industrial ventures, with a notable rise in paper products, ferrous metals, mixed metals, and plastics.

These materials shape the manufacturing process. Through them North America’s workforce can more effectively meet consumer demands - but that same workforce must then dispose of the waste left behind. This often proves challenging, with traditional bins delivering low capacities and weak constructions. An excess of time, energy, and patience is needed to properly remove all non-hazardous matter.

Connexus Industries seeks to simplify the process. This is why we connect our clients to The Orange Box, the only true self-dumping hopper on the the market.

The Orange Box proves essential for North America's evolving manufacturing field, offering expedited operations and industrial strength. Through it companies can achieve a more efficient work-culture, connecting employees to safe, hands-free results.

To learn more about this option contact us today.