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connexus industries bc canadaThe demand for sugar proves high. According to Statista, worldwide growth have risen sharply within the last year - with China (5.5 million metric tonnes), the United States (3.46 million metric tonnes), Indonesia (3.2 million metric tonnes), and the European Union (3.2 million metric tonnes) leading the import surge. This is a consumer-driven market.

It’s also an accelerated one, with both North American and South American companies increasing their production processes to accommodate the sugar-rush.

With this increase comes a need for quality chains.

Connexus Industries provides them. We offer an exclusive line of sugar mill products - each engineered for durability and delivering ISO9001:2008 specifications to adapt to all needs. Our manufacturing process (which combines both heat treated stainless steel and hard chrome materials) promotes sustainability, reducing concerns of corrosion and residual stress fractures. This allows every cane feeder, cane carrier, bagasse carrier, and ash remover to function at optimum levels. Harvesting becomes seamless.

The sugar market is rapidly expanding. We now ensure that this expansion proves easy for North American and South American producers.

To learn more contact us today.