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sqm lithium americas corps mining mergeMining is a powerful force in North America - with Canada and the United States leading the global market through a diverse collection of minerals and metals (including potash, cadmium, sulphur, uranium, and titanium). Production proves strong... but it's soon to reach new heights. 

According to '', North and South America will join in an unique venture - with Canada’s SQM merging with Chile’s Lithium Americas Corps. in 2019. The two companies (both ranked among the top lithium producers) will travel to Argentina, seeking access to “white petroleum”.

This material - known formally as lithium carbonate - is crucial to the rising tech field, providing stable alternative power to traditional batteries. It promotes more efficient electric consumption and encourages new applicational development. It’s no surprise, therefore, SQM and the Lithium Americas Corps. now seek to mine it.

The merger (which is officially called the Cauchari-Olaroz Project) will ensure more than 40,000 tonnes of product, delivering new opportunities for both mining and technology.

Connexus Industries anticipates a growth of specialty chain usage as well - and we’re ready to accommodate that growth.

To learn more about the partnership between SQM and the Lithium Americas Corps. contact us today.