COOPER BOATING news ~ latest information about boating in BC
Subject: Broughtons Flotilla Day 6
(Posted on Jun 24, 2014 at 08:50PM )

Today, roll call was at 0730 and we all left the dock at eight as planned, then we motored as a group out of the harbour and around the west end of Malcolm Island. Destination: Claydon Bay.

After yesterday's gale, today's conditions were remarkably calm. We occasionally encountered winds of five to ten knots crossing Queen Charlotte Strait and Intrepid sailed all afternoon but most boats headed straight to Claydon Bay and anchored in a well-protected corner.  A few of our group went to Sullivan Bay to enjoy the floating town and marina an extra day.  The flotilla is loosely organised, with boats proceeding according to their own wishes, but keeping in touch by radio and planning in face to face meetings whenever we are in ports. 

In spite  of few small mechanical issues here and there, all boats are able to keep up.  With this many people an boats travelling together, each is secure in the knowledge that we are being led by experienced explorers and supported by the considerable combined wisdom and experience of the other skippers and crews.

Tomorrow's destination is Sullivan Bay on North Broughton Island, a mere 4.2 nautical miles from our present anchorage.  We are now halfway through our time and as far north and east as we will go. These days, we are enjoying the Broughtons region, but from here, each stop will be a little closer to our home base at Powell River.

Follow us in real time on the Spotwalla or Spot website.

Subject: YACHT EXPO SEMINARS friday & saturday
(Posted on Feb 22, 2013 at 06:29AM by Colin Jackson)
seminars begin 1300hrs FRIDAY and continue into the evening & through SATURDAY ALL DAY

come down to GRANVILLE ISLAND - everyone welcome with a donation to the foodbank as admission

see here for the COMPLETE SCHEDULE & simple RSVP form

DON MARTIN, BC SPORTS HALL OF FAME INDUCTEE 2012 (sailing) will regale stories of racing classic boats (flying pianos as he may refer to them) in EUROPE last summer

see some of the pretiest boats on the planet & start tugging at those heart strings as boating season approaches on the horizon

wondering about ALBERTA SCHEDULES?  they go public mid day tomorrow

Subject: Welcome False Creek Fuel Dock
(Posted on Jul 11, 2011 at 06:08PM )
Welcome back False Creek Fuel Dock.  The arrival of False Creek Fuels marks the end of a difficult period for charters and boating in and around Vancouver.  We've been toting around fuel and working hard around the problem of no fuel dock in False Creek.  Now, we have a shiny revamped facility for fueling right back where the previous operator closed up a few years back - at the south side of the Burrard Street Bridge.  Charter clients from Granville Island will find this very convenient - charter operators can get a few extra moments of shut eye with the resulting convenience of this facility.  A warm welcome to FALSE CREEK FUELS!
