COOPER BOATING news ~ latest information about boating in BC
Subject: a holiday gift for our POWELL RIVER base
(Posted on Dec 18, 2016 at 05:50PM by Samantha Jackson)
Delivered this morning -- wrapped and ready to go under the tree... a Beneteau 343 for our Powell River base. 

The dinghy on davits will be a big hit up north! 

This boat includes a brand new dodger and bimini -- carefully wrapped in snow this morning.

Subject: POWELL RIVER open house SATURDAY
(Posted on May 7, 2013 at 05:54PM by Colin Jackson)
we'll be having an OPEN HOUSE in POWELL RIVER this SATURDAY AFTERNOON (MAY 11)~ come sail with us for 1.5 hours at either 1pm or 3.30pm

our boats are in NORTH HARBOUR on A & B dock - to register for a complimentary boat ride aboard one of our charter fleet boats,

~ interested in lessons? - one of our local instructors who's sailed 2/3 around the world is on hand ~

interested in charters? ~ our crew is happy to show you around the fleet ~

please register your interest so we may book you into a time slot