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The Cost of Not Being Mobile Friendly is Apparent

(Posted on Dec 15, 2014 at 04:51PM )
How people access their e-mails today is yet another reason that shows us the importance of having a mobile friendly website. It is no longer an option but something you need to implement. 

With the amount of people accessing the internet on mobile devices the risk of losing out to competitors is becoming more and more apparent and the cost of not being mobile optimized greater than cost to implement. 

Ensuring scalable content can be delivered to mobile devices is an important and now low cost part of any business or enterprise as more and more people demand such experiences across virtually all industries. All your devices are important – that’s why it is a must that your interfaces are as easy to master as possible from a common dash board.

Follow these 10 essential mobile-friendly email tips to ensure that the emails you write display properly on any device, so that they get opened and read more