COOPER BOATING news ~ latest information about boating in BC
Subject: TOP FUN popeye
(Posted on Jul 26, 2013 at 06:50PM by Colin Jackson)
social media treat:

TOP FUN SAILING INSTRUCTOR STEPHEN DESROCHES photgraphed and clearly turning into another famous seafarer

sailing lessons with stephen

provisioning to include more spinach in the future
Subject: TOP FUN instructor awards and class of 2011
(Posted on Jan 27, 2011 at 05:58PM )
Congratulations to Marla Hedman and Stephen DesRoches, our first two TOP FUN instructors - celebrated last night at our annual pre-season instructor meeting.   Marla and Stephen have been working - occasionally as a team as you will see here - to generate spectacular courses here at Cooper.  We have to admit some of their feats can only be described as 'magic' - but keep up the great work and here's hoping the magic dust washes over to the 'runners up' and our new instructors!

We also want to congratulate the batch of 'freshly minted' instructors from the January class under the guidance of David West

The November class, led by Oliver Woolcock and James Johnstone were a bit camera shy except for this burn around the bay on a Farr 40.


Wait a moment - FARR 40? - perhaps this group is well on their way to TOP FUN status?