YO.ca for Canada's Young Olympians


You can add this blog to your website by using our syndications tools. We offer IFrame inserts or dynamic HTML embedding (widget). Or you can subscribe to a RSS feed of this blog.

1. Widget (embedded HTML)

Add this snippet to your website and the blog will be embedded with all new posts automatically.

a. Full insert
Shows the latest full blog post and a table of contents for remaining blog posts.

Number of posts to show in table of contents.

Copy the following code into your page:

Copy the following code at the bottom of your page just above the </body> tag (below the previous code):

b. Headings insert
Shows a table of contents of your blog posts.

Number of posts to show headings for.

Copy the following code into your page:

Copy the following code at the bottom of your page just above the </body> tag (below the previous code):

2. IFrame

Add this HTML code to insert the ThemeGreen blog as an IFrame in your page.

a. Full insert
Shows the latest full blog post and a table of contents for remaining blog posts.

Number of posts to show in table of contents.

Copy the following code into your page:

b. Headings insert
Shows a table of contents of your blog posts.

Number of posts to show in table of contents.

Copy the following code into your page:

3. RSS feed

Use the RSS reader of your choice or integrate this feed into your blog.


Recent Posts

Aug 17, 2014 | By Unknown
Girls U16...
Aug 17, 2014 | By Unknown
Boys U16...

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Young Olympians

208-175 First Street West
North Vancouver, BC V7M 3N9

Office 778.340 4408
Mobile 778.840.4408

info@ YoungOlympians.ca